
What You Should Know Before Starting the Keto Diet

The keto diet is a high-fiber, adequate-carbohydrate, low-calorie diet which in traditional medicine is often used primarily to treat severe epilepsy in epileptic children. The keto diet forces your body to use up fat instead of glucose, which causes the brain to go into an ” ketosis state ” to produce ketones, which are the fuel for your body’s metabolism. Many people (including some medical professionals) feel that ketosis is not healthy and is potentially dangerous. This is because ketones can become harmful if they are used for too long or in large quantities. Ketones do not cause weight gain; however, ketones are used by your body as a natural alternative to glucose when you do not have access to stored glucose.

keto diet

The keto diet may not be right for everyone. It works best for people who have difficulty maintaining stable blood sugar levels or people whose bodies cannot tolerate high amounts of carbohydrates, but who also need a high amount of protein and fat in their daily nutrition. Some people can also use the keto diet but have kidney problems and kidney stones. In this case, the amount of carbs that you take in must be greatly reduced, or you will risk developing kidney stones.

The keto diet requires limiting the number of grams of carbs that you take in each day. There are three levels of carbohydrate restriction: very low, medium and high. Very low carbs restrict the amount of carbohydrates that you take in, allowing you to get a fuller amount of fuel for your daily activity. Medium levels of restriction limit the amount of carbs that you take in; this allows you to still get your desired amount of fuel for daily activity. High levels of restriction are the highest, and allow you to take in unlimited carbs. The tradeoff between carbs and fat is a slower burning of fat, with most of the calories consumed by the keto diet being fat instead of carbs.